How to manage subscriptions?

You can manage your subscriptions from the Dashboard menu and select the Subscriptions tab.

Subscription List

All your subscriptions will appear here.

You can see the detail of your NFTs, plan, renewal quota left, and expired date.

Manage access

To manage access control of the NFT you can click on a magnify icon after subscription detail, then the site will navigate you to the management page.

You can paste the contract address that you want to give access to the text field, as shown above, then click on the SAVE PERMISSION button to save the data.

The contract address you want to give permission to requires some function to confirm that you really are the owner or involved. (see more)

Save permission will cost gas due to saving data into a smart contract.

Subscription Renewal

you can renew or extend the duration by selecting the Subscription Renewal tab.

You can renew by clicking the RENEW button (make sure you have enough KKUB in your wallet) then the transaction confirmation popup will appear then confirm the transaction.


The plan you have bought will be recorded to the NFT and can not be changed. For example, if you buy the monthly subscription, you will get an NFT with ID x and the NFT can only be renewed in the monthly plan.

Renewal Quotas

A subscription NFT has a limited renewal quota, after the quota runs out you have to buy a new subscription and save permission for the new one again.

Once an NFT expired it can not be renewed anymore.

Last updated